Training Methodology

Method and Tools:

  • Workshops for limited group of trainees, Engaging Visual Presentation.

  • Interactive discussions and Real-life case studies in working groups.

  • Practical exercises and Role plays.

  • Invaluable Handouts, Tools and Copies of the training material.

Training Objectives:

  • The courses aim to enhance and polish the trainees’ skills and capacities in the course fi eld, as mentioned in the course outline.

  • We assess the training requirements/needs, according to the targeted audience and the organization’s activity, in order to build on the training module and materials.

  • We must assure that the certificate of attendance given to the participants after course completion proves their benefits from attending the workshop.

Training Objectives

The course aims to provide trainees with: Knowledge, Skills, Capacities, Abilities, Attitude, and Know-how, it gathers both: academic theoretical facts & practical methodology and takes into account both updated global information & trends, and local environment of the region & the sector so that they can run their businesses with maximum efficiency.

Quality and Impact

Training needs assessment

To assess the training needs, we must complete three documents upon the information we get during our first meeting with client: about the organization, about the trainees, and about the special training requirements.

Monitoring and Evaluation

The evaluation system will be used for monitoring the performance of the training centre in general, and the performance of the trainer along with the facilities offered. All these issues will be included in evaluation forms. These evaluation forms will be distributed at the end of every course and it will show the satisfaction or dissatisfaction of the trainees.

Report and Comments

During the course, we probe the trainees’ impressions, reactions and feedback, through their questions and interaction with the course contents. We estimate their ability to apply the content practically in their jobs.

Then we submit verbal & written reports after the course to the certifying institution, asking them in return for their suggestions & comments.

Course Evaluation

After the course, all participants fill an evaluation form which contains more than 20 questions about the course and the trainer. then we review feedbacks and include it in a final report.

Trainees’ Assessment

Upon the request of the trained organization, the trainer can provide an evaluation report after the course completion, describes and evaluates the trainees who had attended the workshop. This could be done by:

Giving each trainee marks (from 1 to 5) for several elements.

Describing his/her character & personality.

Suggesting what could be improved in their skills or attitudes.

Measuring Training Impact

After one to two months of the course end, a one-hour meeting between the trainer and the trainees should be held, in order to discuss the eff activeness and the outcome of the workshop. And with the use of the “KIRPATRIK 5 measurement indicators” of the training impact, we discuss in this meeting:

What they learned in the course.

What they could apply in their job within this period.

And what they could not apply, and the reasons for that.